Syngrapha rectangula (W.F. Kirby, 1837)
Salt-and-pepper Looper
NatureServe Global Rank: G5
Virginia State Rank: S2
VA DGIF Tier: None
Federal Legal Status: None
Virginia Legal Status: None
Description: The wingspan of the Salt-and-pepper Looper is 3-3.5 cm. The front wing is a mottled mix of charcoal gray and silver gray. The basal part of the wing is mostly silver-gray with some charcoal at the leading edge. The middle section of the wing is mostly charcoal gray with a silver-gray spot and double-lobed marking. The outer part of the front wing consists of a dark, jagged pm line with a mostly silver-gray area to its outside. The inside area of the pm line, especially towards the leading edge of the wing, has a prominent white patch. The hind wing is yellowish with grayish brown in the basal and terminal areas. Both wings have checkered fringes.
Similar species: The Salt-and-pepper Looper is slightly similar to a few other Syngrapha species, but the contrast of coloration between the silver and charcoal gray easily separates this species from the other, more drably colored species.
North American Range: Across Canada, reaching south into New England, Appalachia, around the Great Lakes, and along the west coast of the U.S.
VA Observations by Locality: Augusta

Flight season and broods: It flies primarily June through August with some September records.
Habitat and Food Plants: It is found mainly in wet boreal and montane coniferous forests. The larvae feed on the needles of Firs, Hemlocks, Pines, Spruces, and other conifers.
Behavior and Ecology: Active during the day, as well as at dusk and at night.
Population trend and potential threats: Overall, secure throughout its range.
Management practices: Fairly common throughout its range, it does not require conservation management; however, in more southern states where the high-elevation coniferous forests are more scarce, preservation of these tracts would be beneficial.
References: BugGuide. 2012. Accesses at: on 18Dec2012.
Covell, Charles V. Covell, Jr.; A Field Guide to Moths of Eastern North America; Special Publication No. 12; Virginia Museum of Natural History in association with the Smithsonian Institution; 1984, 2005. P. 158.
Moth Photographers Group. 2012. Syngrapha rectangula. Accessed at: on 18Dec2012.
NatureServe. 2012. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available (Accessed: November 2, 2012 ).
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program, 600 E. Main St., 24th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
This atlas was compiled
by the VA Natural Heritage Program with funds provided by the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries through a state wildlife grant
from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Last Modified: Friday, 26 February 2021, 03:21:56 PM